Of all the paths in life, this I know for sure - God’s path leads to the best destinations.

Trisha Hawk Trisha Hawk

Psalms Challenge Week One

Music is a window to the heart, an audible journal shared with the world. Listen carefully to the lyrics of a chart-topping song and you will hear a story spilled out. Songs connect us through our shared experiences of struggle, heartbreak, joy, and triumph. Have you ever heard the right song at the right time? That’s the power of a song.

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perspective, direction Trisha Hawk perspective, direction Trisha Hawk

Fresh Eyes

Like a car, puttering to the gas station on the last drop of gas, I was on empty. Every day felt like I was dragging myself through the hours. Mentally, physically and emotionally exhausted — my focus was keenly set on the date when I could finally take a deep breath and pause.

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Trisha Hawk Trisha Hawk

Exceedingly Great Joy

Maybe I am the first to tell you, but those Wisemen offering baby Jesus gifts in your Nativity scene shouldn’t be there.

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Trisha Hawk Trisha Hawk

Rome Wasn’t Built in a Day

“Rome wasn’t built in a day.” Growing up, that was my dad’s favorite saying when I was being impatient. Of course, I would roll my eyes or sigh in response. Hindsight offers a rich perspective, and it turns out dad was right - life is a process. What a profound fact to ponder in our instant-gratification, feelings-centered, disposable culture.

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Trisha Hawk Trisha Hawk

Unearthing Treasure

Have you ever watched a show about treasure hunters? People looking for rare and valuable gemstones travel across the globe to remote and dangerous locations in the hope of finding a treasure. The journey begins with several plane flights to a distant place.

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Trisha Hawk Trisha Hawk

Holy Moly!

My writing was chosen to be published on the First 5 App! Seeing my name on the list of chosen writers still seems impossible. By earthly standards, it is impossible. I have no writing degree, professional schooling, or training

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Trisha Hawk Trisha Hawk

Ok God, I’m Ready

I couldn’t stop reading the words on my screen. They flowed into my heart and mind, bringing peace and hope into my current circumstances. It was as if the writer was living my life, knew my situation, and understood my feelings.

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Trisha Hawk Trisha Hawk

The Question That Changed Everything

I remember the conversation clearly; I was sharing with a friend the tangled details of uncertainty about my future. I had so many questions, too many choices, and no clear direction. After several years of pursuing a full-time teaching job, I felt a tug in my heart to abandon that plan and stay home with my newborn son. As the summer months ticked by, time was running low, and I desperately wanted to choose the right path.

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