Encouraging hearts through authentic, Gospel-Centered teaching

I’d be honored to speak at your next event!

I’m open to discussing a topic of your choice and can cater to your event’s individual needs and feel. Or, choose one of the topics from the list below. No matter the topic or event, my goal is always to present authentic, gospel-centered encouragement for everyone who listens! You can email me at trishahawkblog@gmail.com to start a conversation.

Keeping A Soft Heart in A Hard World - How do you display gentleness and kindness when treated abrasively or unfairly? Can we live in peace and harmony with others whose viewpoints drastically oppose ours? How can we honor God’s call to love others while remaining true to our convictions? Let’s explore God’s word together and discover how to keep a soft heart in a world that is so often hard.

Originally written for a 3-day women’s retreat, this topic can be modified to fit any timeframe or event. Questions for small group breakout sessions are also available.

God’s Design for Community - God purposefully designed us to live in community with others, what does that look like in our modern culture? Can we live out God’s design for community while also navigating all the responsibilities of our daily lives? Yes, we can. Living God’s design for community is the answer to a life that builds His kingdom and provides true flourishing.

Originally written for a 1-day women’s retreat, this topic can be modified to fit any timeframe or event. Questions for small group breakout sessions are also available.