Psalms Challenge Week One

Music is a window to the heart, an audible journal shared with the world. Listen carefully to the lyrics of a chart-topping song and you will hear a story spilled out. Songs connect us through our shared experiences of struggle, heartbreak, joy, and triumph. Have you ever heard the right song at the right time? That’s the power of a song.

The book of Psalm is 150 songs. We might not have the music the Psalms were set to, but we have the lyrics. Emotions spilled onto the pages of scripture, hearts bearing their joy and struggle. Just like any good song, the psalms connect us to the people who lived them and highlight common emotions. As we read the Psalms, we find ourselves in the lyrics. 

That is exactly what reading God’s word is all about — finding yourself, your story in the pages of scripture, and understanding God’s hand in it. Scripture reveals someone has walked this road before you, and God was there. We find assurance knowing we are not alone on our journey. Your experience is personal, yet shared.

Completing the book we know as Psalms took 1000 years, with contributions from many authors. Although written at separate times by separate individuals, we find several themes are woven through the Psalms — another reminder that people share common emotions regardless of time. Psalms guide us on a journey of discovery about ourselves, God, and His creation surrounding us.

Sometimes, in moments of struggle, I wonder if my decision to walk God’s path is worth it. Does spending all this time and energy reading God’s word and seeking Him make a difference? The words of Psalm 1 rearrange my wandering thoughts and quiet my doubts. 

Oh, the joys of those who do not follow the advice of the wicked,

or stand around with sinners, 

or join in with mockers.

But they delight in the law of the Lord,

meditating on it day and night. 

They are like trees planted along the riverbank,

bearing fruit in each season. 

Their leaves never wither,

and they prosper in all they do. Psalm 1:1-3   

As seasons of life come and go, I desire to live them purposefully. What good would an apple tree be if it didn’t produce apples or a pear tree without pears? Fruit trees are meant to bear fruit. In the same way, God created each of us for a purpose. Each season of our lives, through the circumstances and situations we find ourselves living, is an opportunity to live our purpose. 

When we are connected to God, when we are seeking Him, nothing is wasted. All of it works together to grow us and shape us so we can live our days on earth well.  

My youngest son plays basketball. We are currently in the final weeks of what has been a frustrating season. Just yesterday he came home from a game that didn’t go the way he would have liked. Honestly, he was treated unfairly. Mama bear swelled up inside me on the way home from the game, as I made my frustration known to God and my steering wheel. After getting it all out, I took a deep breath. My mind went to the same place it has gone all season long. As disappointment continued to define the experience, I reminded myself this is an opportunity to learn a lesson about life that will outlive this season.  

My eyes got teary and my heart swelled with pride as I thought about my 13-year-old boy, sitting on that bench, shoulders tall, watching his teammates and cheering them on. He was unfairly overlooked, not given an opportunity to contribute to the game. Yet, I couldn’t have been prouder of him, even if he had played and scored half the points. Character will always impress me more than basketball skills. 

People planted in God’s word bear fruit in every season. God’s word shows us the bigger picture. Our circumstances will come and go, our situation will change in time and yet, some things are timeless and benefit us in every season. Patience, determination, perseverance, love, faithfulness, self-discipline — all the fruits of God’s spirit — remain valuable through all the seasons of our life. 

Each time I meditate on God’s word, every time I allow it to sink into my soul, I find my doubts about it’s value fade away. Is walking God’s path worth it? That’s a resounding yes. 


Psalms Challenge Introduction


Fresh Eyes