The Question That Changed Everything

I remember the conversation clearly; I was sharing with a friend the tangled details of uncertainty about my future. I had so many questions, too many choices, and no clear direction. After several years of pursuing a full-time teaching job, I felt a tug in my heart to abandon that plan and stay home with my newborn son. As the summer months ticked by, time was running low, and I desperately wanted to choose the right path.  

After pouring the details out to her, she looked at me and lovingly asked, “Have you asked God what He thinks you should do?”

Actually, I hadn’t. God and I had many conversations about this particular situation where I had done a lot of talking, convincing, negotiating, and asking. Listening had not been my posture, much less surrendering the situation to Him and allowing Him to lead me in His desire for my future.  

That one simple question changed the trajectory of my entire life. For the first time I began to consider God’s promise in Proverbs 3: 5-6 when he says, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take.” (NLT) I’d been forging my own path and asking Him to join me, instead of letting Him lead. Staring straight into an unknown future, choosing between continuing to work or staying home felt impossible. 

I’d love to know you’ve been there too, desperately trying to make the best decision for tomorrow yet struggling to feel certain about anything. Life often seems to have a plethora of choices and no clear instructions. Quite frankly, my always-wants-to-do-the-right-thing personality does not appreciate that truth.  I prefer clarity and certainty - yes, please. 

Of all the paths in life, this I know for sure - God’s path leads to the best destinations. When I choose to walk forward trusting His guidance, I am always met with beauty. 

I’m reminded of hiking trails that lead to stunning waterfalls. They are tucked away in state parks full of trails.  Finding the waterfalls requires following the correct path. Yes, there is beauty along all the paths through the forest, but you only experience waterfalls by taking specific paths. How disappointing to set out on a trail expecting to find a waterfall only to realize you went the wrong way.  

I’ve noticed my life is a lot like those paths in the forest. I have a deep desire to live a life that is full of meaningful, beautiful, God-honoring things. However, those things are only found on specific paths.  Choosing the right direction is crucial to living the kind of life I want to live, and God is the only pathfinder who will lead me correctly. Although many paths have beauty along them, I have found that God’s paths for my life lead me to the waterfalls. 

Please don’t misunderstand me; my life has disappointments, heartbreak, and sadness. Situations do not always go the way I hoped. Broken relationships, unrealized dreams, and upsetting circumstances are part of my story. Life on earth continues to be a complicated mix of joy and heartache. It seems like struggle is everywhere I turn, but isn’t that part of every great story? Doesn’t your favorite story have both struggle and triumph? Powerful stories always lead us to the edge of our seats before we let out a sigh of relief. Why would I expect God’s story for my life to be any different?

When I choose to trust God and walk forward with Him amid the highs and lows, I feel His nearness.  

I see His hand move on my behalf.  

Circumstances change, 

attitudes soften, 

problems are solved.  

There is not enough space or time for me to recount for you all the amazing and beautiful ways God has shown up for me on the unknown paths. How awesome that He doesn’t just promise to show up for me. His promise is for everyone who chooses to trust Him, depend on Him, and walk with Him.  

I wonder what circumstances in your life seem uncertain. What situations leave you wondering which way to go next? Are there broken situations that cause you to ask if you are on the right path? Are you discontent with where you are at? I have those places in my life, too.  

As I walk those hard paths, I keep reminding myself of God’s promise in Proverbs 3:5-6 and asking myself questions to keep my focus on God’s word.  In quiet moments, with a journal or a trusted friend, I reflect on the words of Proverbs and consider where I might have wandered off the path.  

After all the questions, the wrestling with God’s word and prayer, I rest in the promise he tucked at the end of the verse.

“and he will show you which path to take.” (Proverbs 3:6, NLT).

Honest reflection and wrestling with God’s word showed me 14 years ago that God was asking me to leave behind my plan to be a teacher, and trust His leading to stay home. It felt like a sacrifice, giving up the very thing I had worked for and dreamed of my whole life. The tug of war between my head and my heart was intense. In the end, I chose to surrender to God’s path and it has not left me disappointed.  

14 years later, I have new circumstances that leave me wondering which way to go. I keep giving them to God, asking Him to show me the way He wants me to walk, trusting He is walking with me. I keep praying, reading His word, and talking to the people who love me.  

God keeps showing up, He’s never let me down. He’s never led me astray. He has proven faithful, stable, and good time and time again. Half a lifetime of walking with God and I am yet to be disappointed by His ways.  

I know something beautiful is waiting along His path for your life, too. Keep trusting, keep following, keep seeking - beautiful destinations lie ahead.  


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Ok God, I’m Ready