Trustworthy and True

Now when they had departed, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and said, “Rise, take the child and his mother, and flee to Egypt, and remain there until I tell you, for Herod is about to search for the child, to destroy him.” Matthew 2: 13-14

In our current culture, finding someone or something trustworthy is increasingly difficult. Experts spin the story to match their agenda, technology glitches and fails, and “truth” is debated. If you are fortunate enough to have trustworthy friends and family in your life, they sometimes miss the mark. Even the most genuine humans make mistakes and fall short. 

Fulfilled prophecy helps us see that God, in His perfection, is completely trustworthy. Scholars disagree on the exact number, but there are more than 300 prophecies in the Old Testament that Jesus fulfilled. The fulfillment of these prophecies confirms Jesus’ identity as God’s son, the Messiah, quieting those who attempt to discredit Him. 

Today, we read of Mary and Joseph taking Jesus to Egypt, where they lived until King Herod died. In this way they protected Jesus. Soon after they fled, Herod commanded all boys of his age to be killed. 

Even more, their move to Egypt fulfills the prophecy found in Hosea, which says, “out of Egypt I called my son” (Hosea 11:1) We see God’s promises completed in scripture over and over, ensuring us He is worthy of our trust. 

Along with the fulfillment of prophecy in scripture, our faith is built as we experience God’s promises accomplished in our lives. Can you remember a time God came through for you — a crisis that saw resolution, physical protection, financial hardship relieved, provision when needed, or peace in difficult circumstances? The list of ways God steps into our lives is boundless, reminding our hearts God’s promises hold true as we rest in Him.  

Each fulfilled prophecy regarding the life of Jesus assures our hearts we have a Heavenly Father who is trustworthy and true.

Father, my heart is encouraged as I see Your promises fulfilled in Your word and in my life. Your trustworthy truth is a gift to my weary heart in a challenging world. Amen.


Dearly Loved Child of God


Prepare the Way