Prepare the Way

John answered them all, saying, “I baptize you with water, but he who is mightier than I is coming, the strap of whose sandals I am not worthy to untie. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire. Luke 3:16

Most people treat those they value and highly regard with respect and honor. I imagine if you were meeting someone important to you, you would take the time to prepare accordingly. You would not visit the president in your pajamas or meet with your boss in your slippers. To show respect to others, we use manners and decorum — this was especially true in biblical times regarding kings and leaders. 

John the Baptist played an important role in confirming Jesus as the Messiah. He devoted his life to revealing God’s kingdom to others, encouraging them to “repent of your sins and turn to God,” (Matthew 3:2) Those who repented, he baptized with water. In this way, baptism was a public display of a person’s desire to turn away from sin and follow God. At the time, John the Baptist was the first to speak of baptism, introducing a new way for people to come to God, preparing the way for the Messiah. 

John the Baptist understood the Messiah’s ultimate power to cleanse us from our sin through the shedding of His blood. His deep love and respect for Jesus propelled him to prepare as many hearts as possible for the His coming. 

Repentance, honesty about our sins and shortcomings, is uncomfortable. No one likes to admit the ugly, sinful parts of their heart. Yet, the depth of our relationship with God depends on our ability to humbly admit our shortcomings. The more readily we confess our sins to God, the more open our heart becomes to His spirit. 

John the Baptist knew that repentance was the beginning of a relationship with God. Through baptism with water, John helped people understand the idea of baptism and repentance. He prepared them to understand Jesus’ power to cleanse their hearts with the Holy Spirit, removing their sins for eternity. 

Jesus, the baby in the manger, died on the cross to save us from our sins. Preparing our hearts for Jesus’ birth includes understanding the sacrifice He made for us as an adult. Humility and repentance are necessary parts of our preparing our hearts to be His home. 

Lord, it is uncomfortable to face my shortcomings, but I understand it’s necessary to grow in a deep relationship with You. Soften my heart to see the things I need to change and continue to draw my heart towards You. Amen. 


Trustworthy and True


Trusting God’s Story