Keep Your Eyes Open

I’ve spent the past month thinking about a way to share my news eloquently, but try as I have, I cannot find a way other than to just say it.

I have breast cancer.

One month ago, I found a lump on my breast that turned out to be several cancerous masses.

From the very start of my diagnosis, I have had one rule: nobody panics. We will focus on what we know, not all the coulds, shoulds, and what-ifs. We will focus on the positive aspects of my diagnosis - it’s early, stage one, and slow-growing. My pathology is promising. I have the best, most supportive, loving friends and family.

Above all, we will remember that God is in control and walk forward through cancer trusting that He has this all figured out — because He does.

The day I got my pathology report confirming I had cancer, I read the words Invasive Ductal Carcinoma and felt a deep peace. Yes, I know deep peace and cancer don’t usually go together. I took a deep breath and said, “Ok, God, I guess cancer is what we are doing next.”

God responded, “I’ve got this; we’re going to be okay.”

In one month since my diagnosis, God’s hand has moved in my circumstances in countless ways. I can trace His love through every aspect of my journey thus far. God is near and present, ordaining every step of my path.

One of the beautiful gifts in my journey so far is the affirming of scripture in my life. I think of 2 Chronicles 16:9, “For the eyes of the LORD range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him.”

I have felt strength and peace beyond my human ability from the start. God’s word is alive and active in my circumstances in profound and tangible ways. These days, I feel like the words on the pages of scripture are written just for me.

My prayer is that God would use my cancer for His purposes. I desire that through my circumstances, He would draw me and others into a deeper relationship with Him.

On the other side of cancer, it would be an honor to hear people say, "I saw God move in Trisha’s circumstances, and it strengthened my faith." ❤️

Whatever you are walking through friend, God is in it. Keep your heart and eyes open, and you will see Him move.


Unexpected Gifts


Goldfish, Guppies & Kindergarten