The Most Thoughtful Gift

You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven. Matthew 5:14 - 16 NIV

For my 40th birthday my sons presented me with a list, written in teenage boy handwriting on plain old printer paper, it was titled “40 Things We Love About Mom”. Heartfelt, thoughtful, and completely unexpected — it was the perfect gift for me. 

Everyone appreciates receiving a gift, especially when the gift shows an understanding of your preferences, needs, and desires. A simple gift given with great thoughtfulness is my favorite kind of gift. Thinking back over your life, what were the gifts that meant the most to you? Why is it that receiving certain gifts moves our hearts so deeply? 

Each of us desires to feel valued and understood by others. A thoughtful gift has the power to do just that. 

Jesus is the most thoughtful gift you have ever received. 

God looked down on humanity and saw its heartache, struggle, brokenness, and pain. Understanding we needed rescue, He gave the gift of His Son. Like all gifts, we get to decide if we want to receive Him. Will we take this gift God has offered? That is a choice each of us needs to make. In choosing God’s gift of Jesus, we are given the Holy Spirit. God’s very spirit dwells in our hearts, giving us the power to live a life that honors Him.  

When you are given a gift, you respond with a thank you, a hug, or a card sent in the mail. In the same way, if we have received God’s gift — Jesus — we should respond with action. People should notice. Our actions, words, thoughts — every detail of our lives — should cause people to see the Holy Spirit in us. 

This is what it means to be a light of the world. Your life, because of the gift you were given, demonstrates God’s love to those around you. The love, joy, peace, and hope they see in you point them to Jesus.  If they receive God’s gift, they become a light too. Individual lights join together to become a sea of lights. The more people receive the gift of Jesus, the brighter the world becomes. 

It all begins with understanding the incredible gift of Jesus given that first Christmas. He sparked the light and passed it to me and you. Now it’s our turn to shine for the world to see. 

Father, I want to be a light that points to You. Help me to choose to live my life in a way that shines Your light on those around me. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.  


Glory to God


Our Hearts, His Home Advent Devotional