Psalms Challenge Introduction

January 2021 arrived and I was weary.

Weary of a world that was loud, chaotic, and uncertain. Thanks to a global pandemic, nothing was the same. Nothing by earthly measures, at least. 

2020 accomplished what challenges often do - it brought me closer to the Lord and deeper in my understanding of who He is. I wanted to keep that momentum in 2021. I knew spending time in God’s word daily was the best way to do it. 

While reading through my Bible in 2020, the book of Psalms stood out to me. I found comfort in the words of the psalmists as they echoed my feelings, struggles, joy, and triumphs. My understanding of God’s character grew as I read of His hand moving in the lives of others. 

I decided to reread Psalms, slowly, just a few Psalms a day. Desiring to etch them deeply into my heart, I wrote my favorite verse from each Psalm I read. Page after page, my notebook filled with verses that soothed my weary soul and bolstered my faith in God.

I invite you to join me. That’s why I created my Faithful & True Psalms Challenge — so that you could join me in etching God’s word into your heart.  

I promise it will be simple and meaningful.  

Here’s the plan. Each Sunday, I will post a daily reading plan for the upcoming week along with a short devotion. Every day you will read the Psalms for the day. After you read each Psalm, take a moment to write out a verse, or part of a verse, that stood out to you. 

This is all about you & God’s word — making it personal. There are no wrong answers. You can write a verse that makes you think. You can write a verse you have a question about. You can write a verse you love. You can write part of a verse or the whole verse… it’s up to you.  

Just read and write Psalms, those are the only “rules”.

I think sometimes we make spending time in God’s word more complicated than it needs to be. You do not need to be a bible scholar to read God’s word. You do not need to figure out deep theological truth in every passage you read.  

You just have to open your bible, open your heart, and read the words. God will meet you there. 

You will find everything you need to follow along with the challenge right here on this page! The first week’s reading plan will be posted on Sunday, January 30, 2022. Each Sunday I will post the plan for that week.

I can’t wait to get started! I hope you’ll join me!


Psalms Challenge Week 2


Psalms Challenge Week One