Psalms Challenge Week 2

I don’t know what your walk with the Lord looks like, but I’ve noticed mine follows a pattern that repeats like this: I’m in God’s word every day, connecting with Him in prayer, going about my business of parenting, marriage, teaching, friendships, serving, and inevitably something goes off track. A teenager has a moment I need to address; my husband and I have a miscommunication that needs to be resolved; a friendship needs tending; someone close to me has difficult circumstances; I find out upsetting news.

Life’s cruising along, until it isn’t. Suddenly, I’m carrying a burden and considering the best way forward through the new challenges. 

In every scenario, I have a decision to make. Who or what will I rely on to guide me through life? 

I could rely on my knowledge. After all, I have a college degree, have read a lot of self-help books, and have walked through difficult circumstances. I have gifts and talents; I could rely on those to help me find a solution. I could rely on my friend’s or husband’s perspective. I could rely on my bank account and investments, or my reputation. This world offers me a lot of things to rely on. 

I’ve tried them all, and hindsight has gifted me this wisdom — God knows best. I realize that sounds cliche, and possibly flippant. Perhaps you're wondering if I’m making light of the difficult circumstances that define life. Let me assure you, I’ve walked difficult roads and faced challenging circumstances. Struggle and brokenness are still part of my story. Despite all that, I confidently say God knows best. Because He does. 

David, the author of Psalms 33 & 34 knew it too. Over and over, he writes of God’s unfailing love. He declares God’s wisdom and strength, His ability to rescue, save, and care for those who fear Him. David knew difficult circumstances. He faced wars, famine, a lion, a giant, was chased and hunted by his enemies, and dealt with the consequences of his sin. David wrote Psalm 34 while he was running from Saul, who was trying to kill him, yet, he penned these words: The righteous person faces many troubles, but the Lord comes to the rescue each time. Psalm 34:19

Many times, I have doubted God knows best. It is difficult to see God’s best in the whirlwind of difficult circumstances. We must choose to set aside our feelings and decide God knows best despite what we see. I’ve noticed that the more time I spend in God’s word, the more I know about Him and understand His ways, the more confident I am that He knows best. 

Relying on God starts with knowing God intimately. Trust comes with understanding someone’s character. If you desire to rely on God above all else, then you will need to seek to understand God above all else. As you grow in your understanding of Him you will find confidence in His ways. 

Then, like David, you will say, “The righteous person faces many troubles, but the Lord comes to the rescue each time.” Psalm 34:19

Hi friend!

This week as you read through Psalms take notice of all the words used to describe God’s character. You could write them in a list or underline them in the verses you choose to write. The more we focus on God’s character, the more deeply we will understand His ways and the more easily we will trust Him.

I’ll share my list with you in our Thursday Thoughts email and we can compare what we found. If you aren’t getting my challenge emails, be sure to subscribe today so you don’t miss out!

Happy reading & writing!


Psalms Challenge Week 3


Psalms Challenge Introduction