Trusting God’s Story

Now the birth of Jesus Christ took place in this way. When his mother Mary had been betrothed to Joseph, before they came together she was found to be with child from the Holy Spirit. Matthew 1:18

I remember sitting in my cousin’s bedroom, passing the magic 8 ball, taking turns asking it typical fourth-grade girl questions. Does Johnny like me? Will I get married? Am I as pretty as Suzy? Although I knew the 8 ball couldn’t actually tell me the future, something inside of me longed for reassurance.

We all desire to know all the details of our story, to see ahead to the ending, and to know what’s next. If we did,  we could prepare or work something in our favor, or maybe, just maybe, we could change something. 

We forget that our story is actually God’s story. Of course, we have a choice to go our own way, manipulate details, and control outcomes. Or, we can trust God’s providence and love for us and allow Him to write the story He has for our lives. 

Mary’s story took a turn down an unexpected path. One day she was a simple girl, betrothed to Joseph, looking forward to building a life with him. The next day she was the mother of God’s son through the power of the Holy Spirit. In a moment, everything changed. 

Most days, my life seems rather ordinary. I go about my responsibilities, doing my best to walk the path God has for me. Until something unexpected happens, changing everything. A health diagnosis reveals complications. A phone call announces a loved one passed. A miscommunication puts a relationship in limbo. Or, a surprise visit from a friend brightens an afternoon, or a goal is met after hard work.

Positive or negative, life changes in a heartbeat without our permission.

We must remember God’s hand is in all our heartbeats. What is unexpected to us is part of His design. As believers, His Holy Spirit is always working in the details of our story, even on seemingly ordinary days when we don’t see it. In the end, He weaves all the unexpected details together to create a beautiful picture of who He is. 

This is true in Mary’s story, and it’s true in ours too. All the details are in God’s hands, and if we choose to trust Him, He creates something more meaningful than we could ever imagine. (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Father, it is challenging not to know the future, to live in uncertainty about what lies ahead. I know You are always working on my behalf. Help me trust Your plan for my future. Amen.


Prepare the Way


Hope for Every Circumstance