Of all the paths in life, this I know for sure - God’s path leads to the best destinations.

Trisha Hawk Trisha Hawk

Goldfish, Guppies & Kindergarten

It was there when I decided to stop working full time and stay home with my son. I felt it when I knew I should join Compel and start writing. It consistently nudged me to start my blog.

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Trisha Hawk Trisha Hawk

Rome Wasn’t Built in a Day

“Rome wasn’t built in a day.” Growing up, that was my dad’s favorite saying when I was being impatient. Of course, I would roll my eyes or sigh in response. Hindsight offers a rich perspective, and it turns out dad was right - life is a process. What a profound fact to ponder in our instant-gratification, feelings-centered, disposable culture.

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