Seeking Treasure

Glory in his holy name; let the hearts of those who seek the Lord rejoice! 1 Chronicles 16:1

Have you ever watched a show about treasure hunters? People looking for rare and valuable gemstones travel across the globe to remote and dangerous locations in the hope of finding a treasure. The journey begins with several plane flights to a distant place. Then there is a precarious ride on unpaved roadways to a remote cave — hardly touched by humans. Repelling and hiking through cracks and crevices, they mine layers of rock and unearth precious stones. The tiniest bit of stone is often worth gigantic amounts of money. Unearthing treasure takes time, sacrifice, risk, and effort. 

Knowing the value of the treasure they seek inspires them to pursue it persistently.

As I think about those treasure hunters and the time, sacrifice, risk, and effort they put into finding earthly treasure, it challenges me to consider God’s words in Matthew 6:21, “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” (NIV)  I’m prompted to ask myself some questions: What do I see as treasure? How persistently am I willing to pursue it?

In my life, I have found there is no treasure more valuable than my relationship with God. It is the only steady ground in a constantly changing world. I didn’t always see this truth so clearly; just like a treasure hunt, seeking God is a process that happens over time. With persistence and discipline, the treasure of a deep relationship with God becomes evident. This is why His word implores us to seek Him above all else, consistently reminding us of the benefits of our pursuit. 

So often, the world gets in our way of seeking the Lord. In our everyday lives, many things demand our attention, distracting us from our relationship with God. Each time we go astray, regardless of how far we wander, God is patiently waiting to guide us back to our relationship with Him. 

Discovering all the treasure found in Jesus requires seeking Him wholeheartedly. As we do, our hearts will rejoice in the bounty of treasure they find. 

Heavenly Father, nothing on earth compares to the treasure found in a deep relationship with you. When the world tries to pull me away and distract me, turn my heart back toward You. My heart rejoices in the treasure I find in You! Amen. 


In All Seasons


A Living Temple