In All Seasons

For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven Ecclesiastes 3:1

Stories are powerful. They teach us and grow us, opening our eyes to new perspectives. They remind us of what’s important in life, prompting us to create new habits and patterns. They display human character — persistence, determination, selflessness, and love — causing us to reflect on our nature. 

The greatest stories told inspire us to consider our own stories. They reach deep into the crevices of our hearts and persuade us to live richer, fuller lives. 

As we look at the story of Jesus, we see His life, like ours, is defined by seasons — each with its own unique purpose and complexities. God used all of the seasons of Jesus’ life for His purposes, weaving them together to create a powerful story. 

The story begins at creation, where Jesus participated in the conception of the earth alongside God the Father and the Holy Spirit. Jesus’ participation in creation affirms His deity, establishing the foundation of His story.   

Years later, in Bethlehem, the story continues with Jesus’ birth from a virgin in a stable — reminding us that humble seasons hold value and do not disqualify us from accomplishing great things with God.

Despite His deity, He lived a simple, quiet childhood where He “grew and became strong, filled with wisdom. And the favor of God was upon him” (Luke 2: 40).  God used the quiet, ordinary season of Jesus’ childhood to strengthen and grow Him, preparing Him for what was ahead. 

Through His years of public ministry, His death on the cross and resurrection, and His time waiting with the Father in heaven for His return — we see God’s hand in all of Jesus’s seasons. Each is a valuable part of the larger story of Jesus’ life. 

I don’t know what kind of season you find yourself in, but I know with certainty God is there with you. Not only is He in each season with us, but He is also the author of our seasons — weaving them together with purpose. As we look back at past seasons and move ahead into new ones, let’s take the time to reflect on the ways God has used each season to grow us and prepare us. We can trust His providence to lead us through every season, building our story of a life that honors Him. 

Father, thank you that in a life connected to You, nothing is wasted. As I move through all the seasons of my life, I pray I recognize the purpose You have for me in each one. Regardless of the season I find myself in, keep my heart focused on You. Amen. 


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