Holding on to Hope

Hope is a word that gets tossed around casually.  

We use it in daily conversations: 

“I hope you have a good day.” 

“I hope I get the promotion.”

“I hope it doesn’t rain this weekend.”

“I hope to see you soon!” 

Hope that depends on human strength lacks certainty. It says: this is what my heart wants, but I have no way of knowing it will happen. 

But, hope that depends on God infuses our hearts with confidence. It guarantees that although we can’t see the ending, God is working everything together for our best interest. 

It’s easy to lose sight of God’s hope in a world full of messy, broken, hurtful circumstances. It’s hard to understand how the struggle will turn into beauty. 

When our confidence wanes, and we wonder if God’s hope is worth holding onto, His word reminds us that others have walked the same path of wavering faith. Throughout scripture, we find stories of people holding on to God’s hope, living in circumstances that looked nothing like God’s promise. Then, one day, everything changes, and God’s story comes together just like He said it would. 

That’s the story of Ezra. It’s a story that reminds us that God is always working, usually in ways we don’t see or understand. A story that reminds us God keeps His promises. A story that encourages doubting hearts to look away from their circumstances and turn to God’s unfailing character. 

My heart always needs those reminders. How about you? 

Join me for 5 days of devotions from the book of Ezra, beginning October 17th (link in bio). Invite a friend who would like to join us! 

Together, let’s remind our hearts that when God is in our story, holding on to hope is the perfect place to be. 


Ezra Day 1: Hope is a Decision


Surgery Surprises