Stepping Into God’s Story

Heading into another surgery on my breast cancer journey on January 3rd, I feel less peace than before my first surgery. This time I know more — I know the discomfort of drains, I understand the process of recovery, and I know I’m facing a hospital stay. 

The unknowns don’t help, either. How will I feel when I come out of surgery? How long will it take for me to be back to myself? How will my body look after the procedure? 

All those things — the known and unknown — leave me unsettled. 

I daily remind myself (sometimes many times daily) of what I know is true. God goes before me and with me. He knows every detail of the days ahead, the answers to all my questions. I am His child who He loves. His promises for me are protection and care.  

I trust Him, I do, but sometimes human hearts need reminders and reassurance as they wrestle with the circumstances of a broken world. In my wrestling, He is faithful in meeting my every need. 

This is why we need God in our story. There is a choice for us in the wrestling that comes with broken circumstances: will we step into the story God has for us? The part God plays in our story is a choice we make. For some of us, He is the audience of our story, watching from the outside as our life unfolds. For others, He is the lifeguard we go to when we need help. Perhaps you see Him as an authority who needs to be pleased or an obligation that requires your attention. 

As we round the corner to another new year, I encourage you to reflect on God's role in your story. 

What if 2023 was the year you decided to step into the story God has for you? What if you started 2023 with God in the lead? 

What if you let go of your expectations of what life should look like and asked God to show you what He wants for you this year? 

What if you stopped trying to control all the pieces of your life and surrendered them to God’s plan? What if you asked Him to show you the things He wants you to let go of? 

What if you spent more time seeking Him, learning about His character and ways, and growing in your relationship with Him? What if you asked for His perspective in all circumstances instead of relying on your understanding?

What if you put Him before everything else? Yes, everything. 

Friend, I am not saying these things to you with my finger pointed in my teacher voice. No, I’m saying them in my kindest, gentlest, and most genuine I love you and want what’s best for you voice. I’m saying them because I care about you and desire for you to thrive and flourish. 

I’m saying them as a friend who knows the incredible difference a deep, whole-hearted, seek God first decision makes. I’m not perfect; nothing this side of heaven is. I’m still figuring things out, but God doesn’t ask for perfection. He takes our humble desire with our yielded hearts and writes a beautiful story beyond our imagination. 

I’m stepping into 2023 with God in the lead. I’m stepping into 2023, trusting God’s providence and authority over my days. 

I’m following God through surgery, 

I’m following God in my marriage,

I’m following God in my parenting,

I’m following God in my writing,

I’m following God in whatever lies ahead. 

I’m asking Him to show me where He wants me to go next. I’m letting go of my preconceived notions about how life should go, and I’m following God — allowing Him to guide, inform and shape my heart in all things.

I have seen Him do immeasurably more than all I ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within me. (Ephesians 3:20) I trust He will do it again.

This is my prayer for you, friend: wherever you go this year, go with God in the lead. Trust His providence over your life and watch Him move in incredible ways on your behalf. 

When you do, please tell me about it. I’d love to hear your story of God’s faithful love.


A Soft Place to Land


Our Rescue Story