First 5 Leviticus Teaching

I realize you can’t see me jumping up and down through your computer screen, so you’ll just have to do your best to picture it. The word excited doesn’t feel strong enough to describe how I’m feeling about writing for First 5. Awe, disbelief, grateful, amazed by how God orchestrated my path to this point — those are all more adequate ways to sum up my feelings.

Here’s the thing I hope you see above all — God has gifted each of us with talents and strengths. When we choose to surrender our lives, talents, and strengths to His plan, seeking to honor Him and point others to Him, HE WILL DO MORE THAN WE CAN IMAGINE. That is true for me and my writing journey, and it’s true for you wherever He has placed you. Keep on seeking Him wholeheartedly and watch where He takes you.

I’d love for you to join me by reading First 5, not just so you can read my teaching, but so you can daily spend time reading and growing in God’s word. You can start by reading my Leviticus teaching here.


First 5 Romans Teaching


Make Me Available Guest Post